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(A Herbal tea to control Diabetes )

  • Swertia chirayita
  • Gymnema sylvestris
  • Azadirachta indica
  • Psidium guajava
  • Tinospora sinensis
  • Dendrobium species
 Diab tea:Information:
  • This herbal tea is prepared from the naturally occurring wild crafted herbs collected from the Himalayan of Nepal. So the herbs are of great potency ensuring a high efficacy.
  • Diab Tea contains the herbs which are of antidiabetic property.They stimulate the pancreas to increase the secretion of insulin which normalises excessive blood sugar level in the blood.
  • The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the herbs contained in Diab tea prevents the  auto-immune destruction of pancreatic cells. Thus it helps in delaying the turning of type II diabetes to type I diabetes.
  • This tea  contains the detoxifying herbs which makes body healthy and active by detoxifying the harmful substances(toxins) from the body.
  • Diab tea is a natural way to make diabetes under control.

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